Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Time-Travelling Boyfriend Makes an Apperance

Last night I had this interesting dream which began with a thirty-something woman named Lydia who browsed a dollar store. She was perusing a display of ViewMaster toys (do they still make them these days, and surely they would cost more than a dollar each? But I digress...) when a man suddenly appeared by her side. He was wearing a white button-up shirt and gray flannel dress pants, both a tad on the baggy side and a pair of boxy brown lace-up leather shoes. And his hairstyle was curious; though his wavy auburn hair wasn't long, it was parted in the middle. He looked like a gangster from the Depression era. He was panting like he'd been running.

It took Lydia a few seconds to recognize him -- he was her boyfriend, Harry, who had vanished mysteriously weeks before.


"Hary!" she exclaimed. "Where have you been? We've been looking for you! And what's with those clothes? And your hair!"

After catching his breath, he said, "I know I look funny, but that's how they dress back in 1940's. Lydia, I don't have much time to explain. Some bad guys were chasing me, and I had to use the time-shifting device at work to escape and end up in the year 1941. I think it's still too risky for me to be here. But I came back just for a moment to ask you if you'd like to come with me back to 1941. I've missed you so much."

"1941? Wait... are you asking me if I want to go with you to a place that is at least 80 years in the past?

"Honey, I know I'm asking a lot. There isn't TV, Internet, computers or smartphones." He paused and then continued with a smile, "But we do have indoor plumbing, electricity and refrigerators. Plus you can buy a big load of groceries jsut for a few bucks. And I have this cute little bungalow you'll love with a small yard that you can do gardening in, like you've always wanted."

"Hmm, let me think. It sounds like the life could be simple and it?"

"It can be."

"And these buys -- they won't find you in 1941?"


"I've missed you so much. I'll go with you."

"Wonderful! Let's go now!"

With a quick kiss on the lips, they ran out of the store.

What would you do if you were in Lydia's shoes? Stay or go? I do't know -- visiting 1941 might be interesting, but there are many cons to consider like the state of medicine wouldn't be quite as good as today. And you'd have to deal with things like racism and sexism. Besides, I love me some air-conditioning. Lydia must love Harry very much, to put up with these inconveniences.

It was rather clelver of Harry to hide from whoever these bad gys were by hiding in the past. I just hope he didn't mess up the timeline in the process. (How'd he manage to acquire this "cute little bungalow, anyhow?)


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