Friday, December 22, 2023

Bed, Bath and Beyond Breaking Bad

 Have you ever dreamed about visiting stores that turn out to be unbelievably that the dream ends up being unintentionally hilarious? I had one last night where my friend Tina and I visited a home goods store (not Bed, Bath and Beyond, mind you -- I just couldn't resist making up that title) because I was looking for a new bed blanket.

Thursday, December 21, 2023

Dream Tourist with a Pillow

 In many dreams, I usually take an active role, whether it's as myself or a diffferent character. But in some dreams, I'm more like a passive observer, walking through a cityscape or landscape or whatever. A dream tourist in other words. Oddly enough, in some of these dreams, I'm carrying my sleep pillow as I stroll through the dream. (No idea if I'm also wearing my sleep clothes as well.)

Saturday, December 16, 2023

Nanny-gate in a McMansion

 Here is one of the strangest dreams I ever had, and it is kind of a subtitle nightmare. Not the usual normal kind of nightmare that has you jerking awake, but the kind that has you feeling uncomfortable and creeped out in a quiet ay.

I play the character of a tween kid in this dream -- not as myself. I and the parents (not my real parents) live in what looks like a two-story McMansion. I haven't seen the exterior of  the house as the whole dream took place inside, but I could see from the windows that the house was surrounded by bare woods with snow on the ground. Apparently, ths evening, the parents were out for a holiday party or something like that, leaving me alone in the house, hanging out in my bedroom.

A Visit to Yet Another Western Tourist Trap

 This isn't one of these crazy dreams I usually post about here, but it was kind of a pleasant dream. I want to record it here so I can rememer it better. Also, it seems that I seem to blog quite a bit about Western-themed dreams like this restaurant featuring singing cowboys on a ceiling track, which is a bit odd, considering i'm not a Western buff at all. No idea why I have these dreams. :-)