Saturday, January 21, 2023

Fancy Hotel Hiding in a House Attic

In a dream the other night, I was visiting relatives at their house, some mid-century two-story house, which wasn't fancy, just a regular, working-class place. I was exploring the second story, walking down the hallway when I spotted a closed door. I opened it to see what was behind it. It turned out to be stairs going upstairs to an attic. I climbed the stairs, expecting to see something like a typical attic filled with puffs of fiberglass insulation and cardboard boxes full of junk.

Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Paper Towel Flinging Poltergeist

 I had a dream last night about a new condo I had purchased. I was showing off the new place to relatives and friends. We had strolled into the kitchen where I showed off the kitchen appliances which were in an odd shade of yellow-orange. All of a sudden,  a dark-skinned man who looked like the actor who played Tuvok the Vulcan officer on Star Trek Voyager, walked through the closed doors of the fridge like a ghost. He flung rolls of paper towels all over the floor and then disappeared, leaving us confused.

Airport from Hell and the World's Largest Indoor Hotel Pool

 Recently, I had 2 dreams on 2 separate nights that aren't really a part of each other, but they had themes that made them seem like a 2-part dream. The first dream involves being at a strange airport, and the other dream involves flying to some Tiki-like country like Tahiti or even the state of Hawaii and vising what was supposed to be world's biggest indoor hotel swimming pool.

Thursday, January 5, 2023

Secret Passageway to a Bookstore

 It seems that there are recurring themes in my dreams about types of places, such as amusement parks, offices, priate homes, airports, shopping malls (I guess that says something about our over-consumptive society) and, ah yes, bookstores. I've always loved bookstores and libraries, so it probably comes as no surprise that I'd be visiting bookstores in my dreams. Here's a recent dream that is kind of neat...