Saturday, November 25, 2023

Compute at Your Peril

 Here are a couple of strange dreams, more like nightmares, involving computers.

Sunday, November 19, 2023

Swamways, a Gang of Nightclub Owners Dressed Like Super-Heroes

 A few weeks ago, I came off a 5-day bender of the anti-inflammatory steriod Prednisone which was prescribed to me to treat a medical condition. Let's say it was like being prescribed a mild version of speed where I zipped around the house despite getting ony 5 or 6 hours of sleep. The night after I finished the drug, I "crashed" in bed and had a really vivid dream about a group of people called Swamways, dressed up in superhero outfits.

Friday, November 17, 2023

Curious Things in my Dreams #1: Radio Purses and Raining Chairs

 I'm going to start this feature where I encounter things in my dreams that are odd or interesting, but not enough substance to make a blog post, such as a curious purse I found a dream and a magic dining chair in another.