Sunday, May 21, 2023

Goldilocks Ferris Wheels

 I've blogged here quite a few times about amusement parks and rides, and I don't know why they feature so much in my dreams. Maybe it's because I used to be an amusement park buff. Also, don't your pulse quicken in excitement when you drive by an amusement park with sloping latticework of a roller coaster, too? Anyway, here's a dream about a weird ride -- actually more like a trio of rides.

Chewed Bras

 In this dream, I was Carrie Bradshaw from that old TV show "Sex and the City". For a writing assignment, I visited a shop named Chewed Bras, expecting to see lingerie mangled by family pets or hte like. But it turned out to be a regular lingerie shop selling brand-new underwear in pristine condition. "Chewed" happened to the last name of the shopkepper. A really bad choice of a name for a store if you ask me. While touring the shop, I spotted a saleswoman demonstrating to a customer how she could take off her bra without removing her street clothes while doint contortist poses at the same time. I guess times are so tough that you gotta do a tough sell. As Carrie, I did other things but not as interesting as this one, such as sitting at a restaurant, eating chocolate cake with that gay male friend also from the show (I don't remember his name) and saying things like, "It's great to have friends like you."